We had quite a rough passage over to New Caledonia
with lots of rain |


Rather crowded with 3 of us- one on each bunk and 1 on
the floor in the middle as it was too rough to sleep in the bow cabin
The lighthouse on the southern tip of the main island
which does have a Caledonian look about it and the weather would
certainly remind you of Scotland


Rust coloured cliffs probably indicting the presence
of some of the many minerals that are mined here
Preparing to drop the anchor


Oh Dear! Our very old mainsail gave up the ghost on
the way over and we couldn't put up the new one as the sail slides were
too big
Erik with an angle grinder fixing that particular


Not a block of flats but a cruise ship coming into
With Hélène
on board Brio
We are running out of energy and enthusiasm now and
Noumea is an expensive French city so we have a farewell meal ashore
with Hélène and then set
off on the last leg to